Frequently Asked Questions

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To qualify for an L-1A, you must be employed as either a senior manager or an executive and have worked for the non-US subsidiary, parent, affiliate or 12 months out of the three years immediately preceding the application.

L-1A Visa holders may work, live, and legally travel within the US Dependent's visa holders may accompany him or her to the US. L-1A Visa holders may be L-1A Visa allows a foreign company to establish a branch in the US.

EB-3 Visa preference category for US employment - based permanent residency -
If is intended for “Skilled Workers”, “Professional”, and “Other Workers.”

You may be eligible for this immigration visa preference category if you are a skilled worker, professional, or other workers. Skilled workers are persons whose jobs require a minimum of 2 years training or experience, not a temporary or seasonal nature.

Professional: lawyers, architects, engineers, teachers

Skilled Workers: computer scientists, graphic designers, supervisor, journalists

Unskilled / Other Workers: caretakers, housekeepers, nannies, janitors, farm workers, meat processing, poultry processing, food production workers, healthcare aides